Check in

Check in (highly recommended due to Covid-19)

Fields marked in asterisk (*) are mandatory to be filled / Με αστερίσκο τα υποχρεωτικά πεδία

Check In* (From 15:00 / Από τις 15:00)

Check Out (Up to 11:00 / έως τις 11:00)

Documents / Έγγραφα

Quest 1 (Name of reservation) front:

Quest 1 (Name of reservation) back:

Other guests / Άλλα άτομα

file 3:

file 4:

file 5:

file 6:

file 7:

file 8:

Note: Please do not share credit card details by this form
Σημείωση: Μην αποστείλλετε ποτέ ευαίσθητα δεδομένα όπως π.χ. αριθμό κάρτας.

Antispam. Please Type number 468 in the field / Παρακαλούμε αναγράψτε τον αριθμό 468 στο πεδίο:

It may take up to 1-2 minutes. It depends on the attachment documents, internet connection speed etc. Please do not close or refresh your browser until you get the success notification message below.
Ενδέχεται να πάρει λίγη ώρα, έως 1-2 λεπτά. Εξαρτάται από τα συνημμένα έγγραφα, την ταχύτητα του internet κλπ. Παρακαλούμε μην κλείσετε ή ανανεώσετε το παράθυρο αυτό έως να εμφανιστεί το αντίστοιχο μήνυμα.

Prevention measures for non-proliferation of SARS-COV-2

Dear customers, our accommodation complies with non-transmission health protocols of SARS-COV-2. Please kindly follow the instructions below.

– Wash your hands thoroughly.
– When entering & exiting the accommodation/room, use the antiseptics found in the corridors and in the rooms too.
– Avoidance of handshakes
– Keeping physical distances
– Keeping personal and respiratory hygiene measures
– In case of illness, please inform the reception
– Non-residents of the accommodation are not allowed to enter


Check In – Check Out

✓ The required cleaning, disinfection, and good ventilation of the room or apartment make us configure accordingly the check in and check out policy as it follows.
✓ Check in after 15.00
✓ Check out 10.00 -11.00



✓ Possibility to check in with an e-form sent by mail.
✓ The hotel is obliged to keep a file from the prefecture with the data of the customers.


Room Cleaning

1. The staff responsible for cleaning uses personal protective equipment when cleaning/disinfecting the rooms and the shared areas.
2. In the context of the implementation of precautionary measures, the cleaning of the room is done upon customer communication.
3. The room will be cleaned and disinfected when you leave it.
4. The room has been empty the night before your arrival. If this is not possible, the room has been cleaned and disinfected with steam.
5. We use certified cleaning disinfectants.
6. The air conditioners have been disinfected after each customer leaves.
7. In the kitchens, please wash the utensils used
8. If you do not want us to clean your room, we supply towels and plastic garbage bags.
9. Some kitchen utensils have been removed, if you need something you can ask for it.
10. Separation of the clean from the non-clean linen and towels in different areas of the accommodation.